Tuesday, January 5, 2016

January 2016 - At weight and faster!

So I did that 21-day no sugar, carb or dairy during the first 21 days of December and reached 134lbs. I ate like any normal person would from the 21st to January 3rd but I'm glad to be eating well again and happy to report I'm at 136 lbs despite the brie cheese, the holiday carbs, wine and treats!

It was so amazingly easy to give up so many processed foods and bad stuff that I've decided to continue eating without sugars, carbs and dairy Mon- Fri and enjoying in moderation all the other stuff on the weekends.

Additionally to the great achievement in weight, this past August I returned to running. Ran a total of 313 miles (which is why Zuckerberg's 365-mile goal doesn't seem astounding). I ran 4 races and PRd in 2 of them. One was a default PR because it was a new distance, but the other was a nice Thanksgiving surprise. The 5k although it wasn't a PR it was a second best time for me.

12/15 Santa to the Sea Half - 2:39:21 »» 12:10
03/15 Race to the Row 8k - 00:59:43 (PR) »» 11:56
11/15 Turkey Trot 4 mi - 39:49 (PR) »» 9:57
10/15 Rock n' Roll Hollywood 5k - 30:16 »» 9:45

Sadly I did not PR on my 10th half marathon, but I was pretty proud of running a 10th half marathon and that it was injury free, and  my time was not bad but also not great - rather average for me.

This year, like most others I ran the New Year's Resolution 5k and while I did not get a 5k PR it was the best New Year's Resolution time I've ever had (31:14) which makes me optimistic about the upcoming year!

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